

Heroineburgh was born from a lifelong enjoyment of comic books, superheroes, and science-fiction, and jump-started by recent interest in TV shows, movies, and new comics featuring brilliantly portrayed superheroines. Locally, we were inspired by a stage production called Pittsburgh Batman, which re-imagined the Gotham mythos steeped in hilarious Pittsburgh “yinzerism” but didn’t have any prominent female characters. 

These influences combined to set us on a course to create something that had never been done: a superhero action series featuring all female protagonists, set not in an imaginary city, but in our real hometown with all of its colorful locations and vibrant neighborhoods. I hope you enjoy watching these episodes as much as we enjoyed making them. This series is dedicated to my mother, a staunch second-wave feminist who was an unwavering supporter of women’s rights and equality.


Manny Theiner


D.P. Brown